Self-Efficacy development in a one-to-one Mentoring Strategy For Faculty Integrating Technology in aagricultural education
This paper describes the experiences of a graduate student and a faculty member in a one-to-one mentoring strategy to integrate technology instructions in agricultural education. In this paper the experiences of a graduate student, mentor and faculty member, mentee are described using the lens of social learning theory. The case study found that improving self-efficacy a concept of social learning theory, through a one-to-one mentoring is important for both the graduate student and faculty member to facilitate the integration of technology in agricultural education instruction. This is one case of one-to-one mentoring that was successful. This case study provides a model that can be useful for developing countries which have high needs for professional development experiences in educational technology. One strong features of this program is that using students as mentors is not only an effective professional development model but also very cost effective.
- Research articles [53]