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Now showing items 1-20 of 717
Abundance and diversity of safflower (Carthamus tinctorius l.) insects in Botswana
(Botswana University of Agriculture & Natural Resources, 2022-10)Water scarcity has become a major challenge for Botswana farmers to increase their production despite various development initiatives introduced by the government. Safflower (Carthamus tinctorius l.) is a drought tolerant ... -
African Yam Bean (Sphenostylis stenocarpa) Nodulates Promiscuously with Rhizobium Indigenous to Soils of Botswana.
(Canadian Center of Science and Education, 2012-08-15)African yam bean is a versatile legume crop, relished for its protein rich tubers, seeds and leaves which are utilized as spinach. It is a highly adaptable crop capable of producing growth even on acid and highly ... -
African Yam Bean: An Under-Utilized Legume with Potential as a Tuber and Pulse Crop
(Taylor and Francis, 2008-09-22)African Yam Bean (Sphenostylis stenocarpa) is a legume that provides nutritionally rich seeds, tubers and leaves for human consumption. Production relies upon the cultivation of landraces and, to some extent, the collection ... -
African Yam Bean: An Under-Utilized Legume with Potential as a Tuber and Pulse Crop
(Taylor & Francis, 2007)AfricanYamBean (Sphenostylisstenocarpa)isalegume that provides nutritionally rich seeds, tubers and leaves for human consumption. Production relies upon the cultivation of landraces and, to some extent, the collection of ... -
(Centre for Info Bio Technology, 2018-12)An investigation was carried out to determine the cause of increased mortality in sheep and goats at BUAN farm in March 2017. At the time of reporting sheep and goat deaths had occurred daily for over a week. Clinical signs ... -
Agricultural Drainage Water Assessment for Possible Reuse: A Case Study from Pandamatenga Commercial Arable Farms in Botswana
(International Journal For Multidisciplinary Research, 2023-09-10)This study set out to assess the quality of water in the drainage channel located in the northern plain of the Pandamatenga Commercial Arable farms in Botswana for possible agricultural reuse. This was achieved by analysing ... -
Agricultural extension in Botswana: growing a hybrid over decades of selective experience
(Botswana University of Agriculture & Natural Resources, 2010)The study reviewed agricultural extension in Botswana to assess its growth and achievements in ensuring good service delivery since 1935 when formal structures of agricultural extension were beginning to establish. The ... -
Agricultural Tractor Ownership and Off-Season Utilisation in the Kgatleng District of Botswana
(Shin-Norinsha Co., 2002)In recent years tractor power usage has increased among the smallholder farmers in Botswana due mainly to the influence of government loans, subsidies and grants on draft power financing. A study on tractor owners and ... -
Agro-pastoralists’ determinants of adaptation to climate change.
(Emerald, 2018-03-12)Purpose – The purpose of this study is to analyse smallholder farmers’ perceptions on climate change and its stressors, their adaptation strategies and factors that influence their adaptation to climate change. Design/m ... -
Agroforestry for Degraded Landscapes: Recent Advances and Emerging Challenges - Vol. 2.
(Springer Singapore, 2021-01-01)This book presents various aspects of agroforestry research and development, as well as the latest trends in degraded landscape management. Over the last four decades, agroforestry research (particularly on degraded ... -
Agrotourism as peripheral and ultraperipheral community livelihoods diversification strategy: Insights from the Okavango Delta, Botswana
(Elservier, 2023)The potential of agrotourism for livelihoods diversification in remote (peripheral) and extremely remote (ultraperipheral) traditional, agrarian communities is indeed a testament of its uniqueness to enhance rural ... -
Allelopathic activity of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) on growth and nodulation of Bambara Groundnut (Vigna subterranea (L.) Verdc.)
(Asian Network for Scientific Information, 2007)Laboratory and greenhouse experiments were conducted to determine the allelopathic activity of sunflower (Helianthus annuus) on seed germination, seedling growth, flowering and nodulation of bambara groundnut (Vigna ... -
Allometric models for estimating biomass storage and carbon stock potential of Oldeania alpina (K. Schum.) Stapleton forests of south-western Ethiopia.
(Elsevier, 2023-02)Ethiopia has the largest bamboo resource base in Africa. However, due to the lack of species-specific models, little is known about the biomass storage, carbon stock and sequestration potential of bamboo forests. Here, ... -
Alternative crops as a mitigation measure for elephant crop raiding in the eastern Okavango Panhandle.
(International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources, 2020-08-10)Elephant crop raiding causes food losses to subsistence farmers in the eastern Okavango Panhandle in Botswana. This study evaluated the effectiveness of using alternative crops such as groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.), ... -
An alternative food neophobia scale (FNS-A) to quantify responses to new foods.
(Elsevier, 2022-05-13)An alternative Food Neophobia Scale (FNS-A) was developed in three studies to measure food neophobia (reluctance to eat and avoidance of trying new foods). In Study 1, the original food neophobia scale, FNS (Pliner, & ... -
Analyses of LULC dynamics in a socio-ecological system of the Bale Mountains Eco Region of Southeast Ethiopia.
(Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH, 2024-06-21)Analysis of land use and land cover (LULC) change and its drivers and impacts in the biodiversity hotspot of Bale Mountain’s socio-ecological system is crucial for formulating plausible policies and strategies that can ... -
Analysis of Forest Cover Change and Its Drivers in Biodiversity Hotspot Areas of the Semien Mountains National Park, Northwest Ethiopia.
(MDPI, 2023-02-07)Forests provide multiple ecosystem services ranging from local livelihoods and socio-economic benefits to global ecological services. Despite these benefits, human activities have put immense strain on forest resources, ... -
Analysis of fruit yield and its components in determinate tomato (Lycopersicon lycopersci) using correlation and path coefficient
(Botswana University of Agriculture and Natural resources, 2013)A field experiment was carried out using six determinate tomatoes at Sebele Agricultural Research Station, during 2010/11 season. The objectives of the experiment were to; (1) determine the correlation among the components ... -
Analysis of fruit yield and its components in determinate tomato (Lycopersicon lycopersci) using correlation and path coefficient
(Botswana University of Agriculture & Natural Resources, 2013)A field experiment was carried out using six determinate tomatoes at Sebele Agricultural Research Station, during 2010/11 season. The objectives of the experiment were to; (1) determine the correlation among the components ... -
Analysis of land cover land use change in the greater Gaborone area of South Eastern Botswana
(Ecological Society of China, 2023)Changes in land cover land use (LCLU) have long been considered to be among the many factors responsible for global environmental challenges. This study focused on assessing LCLU changes in the Greater Gaborone area of ...