Forest Dependency and Its Implication for Protected Areas Management: A case Study From Kasane Forest Reserve, Botswana
Conservation of biodiversity in protected areas will be more challenging if local communities are heavily dependent on them for various products and subsistence needs. This study estimated forest dependency and identified factors influencing dependency for households living around Kasane Forest Reserve (KFR). Data collected from 237 households were analysed using logistic regression model. Logistic regression suggests that forest dependency is positively and significantly associated with family size. However, asset rich households were less dependent on forest resources. Thus, policy makers need to consider the needs and economic options with the above components as an alternative strategy for forest protection so as to create a win-win relationship between conservation and local rural development options. Apart from the biological threats of the forest such as fire and elephant damage, large areas of the forest (about 3060 hectares) have already been de-gazette for residential purposes of the Kasane town and the expansion of the Kasane airport in 2002.A sustainable management plan should use the forest to pay its own management costs and allow surrounding communities to benefit; hence, they can see the forest reserve as worthy of the protection.
- Research articles [85]