Browsing Reseach articles by Author "Schimiedel, U."
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Diversity of wild herbaceous legumes in southern Africa, their associated root nodule bacteria, and insect pests.
Pule-Meulenberg, F.; Obopile, M.; Chimwamurombe, P; Bernard, N.; Losologolo, M.; Hurek, T.; Sarkar, A.; Batlang, U.; Ngwako, S.; Schimiedel, U.; Nanyeni, L.; Mashungwa, G.; Tselaesele, N.; Reinhold-Hurek, B (CABI, 2018)Climate change models predict that most parts of southern Africa including Botswana and Namibia will experience severe water stress and temperature increases as a result of climate change. Wild drought-tolerant nitrogen-fixing ...