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Now showing items 1-20 of 136
Combating drought: food for all.
(World Health Organization, 1988)Although Botswana entered its sixth year of drought in 1987, there have been no reports of deaths due to starvation. This is attributed to the country's early warning system and to the comprehensive relief measures that ... -
Preharvest factors that predispose apples to superficial scald.
(Elsevier, 1994-09)Preharvest factors during fruit ontogeny greatly affect fruit quality at harvest, modify fruit response to various treatments, development of physiological disorders, and retention of fruit quality at the end of storage ... -
Heat and moisture production and minimum ventilation requirements of tom turkeys during brooding-growing period.
(American Society of Agricultural Engineers, 1998)Heat and moisture production rates of Nicholas tom turkeys raised under lab-scale commercial production settings were continually measured during a five-week brooding-growing period. Functions were established that relate ... -
Effects of post-weaning nutritional conditions on isowean pigs
(American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers, 1999)This study quantifies the responses of isowean pigs to post-weaning nutritional conditions as may be encountered during extended shipment. PIC breeding stock pigs at 8 to 12 days of age (3.5 to 4.0 kg body weight) were ... -
Root zone solute dynamics under drip irrigation: A review
(Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2000)Infiltration and subsequent distribution of water and solutes under cropped conditions is strongly dependent on the irrigation method, soil type, crop root distribution, and uptake patterns and rates of water and solutes. ... -
Cooling laying hens by intermittent partial surface sprinkling
(American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers, 2000)This study investigated the efficacy of intermittent partial surface sprinkling to cool caged layers at 20, 38, and 56 weeks of age. Ten birds were used per age group with two birds per paired trial (Experiment, Expt, and ... -
Agricultural Tractor Ownership and Off-Season Utilisation in the Kgatleng District of Botswana
(Shin-Norinsha Co., 2002)In recent years tractor power usage has increased among the smallholder farmers in Botswana due mainly to the influence of government loans, subsidies and grants on draft power financing. A study on tractor owners and ... -
Phosphorus levels in shoots of Bambara groundnut in Botswana soils
(Taylor & Francis, 2002)The critical phosphorus (P) concentration and range of bambara groundnut (Vigna subterranea) plants were determined from a sand culture experiment at Botswana College of Agriculture. Twelve P levels (0.207–159 mg P pot−1) ... -
A review of agricultural mechanization status in Botswana
(AMA, Agricultural Mechanization in Asia, Africa and Latin America,, 2002-08-28)Agricultural mechanization in Botswana is predominantly animal draught-powered. The low yields which characterize the arable sector due to low and erratic rainfall causes continued reliance on government subsidies. Government ... -
Experimental and numerical evaluation of analytical volume balance model for soil water dynamics under drip irrigation
(Soil Science Society of America, 2003)The interpretation and subsequent modeling of soil water dynamics in presence of active plant uptake remains a challenge. Despite many simplifying assumptions in their development, analytical models offer simple and easy ... -
Influence of Feed Type on Egg Production of Tswana Laying Chicken
(Ansinet, 2003)The experiment was done at estate management Unit in Sebele, Gaborone. Ten 23 weeks old laying Tswana chickens were bought from a local farmer and divided into two groups of five each, using complete randomized design. ... -
Feeding Values and Anti - Nutritive Factors of Forage Tree Legumes
(Asian Network for Scientific Information, 2003)Animal production in Botswana suffers from inadequate feed quantities and qualities, due mainly to semi-arid low rainfall which can barely support arable farming in most years. This problem is compounded by the competition ... -
Lucerne, Lablab and Leucaena leucocephala Forages: Production and Utilization for Livestock Production
(Asian Network for Scientific Information, 2003)An overview is given of three legume pastures with potentials as sources of crude protein and other important nutrients for livestock production in Botswana. This paper reviews distribution, plant description, agronomic ... -
Atriplex Nummularia (Old Man Saltbush) : A Potential Forage Crop for Arid Regions of Botswana
(Asian Network for Scientific Information, 2003)Atriplex nummularia (Old man saltbush) is widely planted on salt affected land to provide a vegetative cover, which can be used as fodder reserve. Such plantations are also perceived as having the capacity to use saline ... -
Azanza garckeana: A Valuable Edible Indigenous Fruit Tree of Botswana
(Asian Network for Scientific Information, 2004)Azanza garkeana (morojwa) is a valuable edible indigenous fruit tree species confined to east and southern Africa. Because of its multiple use the species is selected and retained by farmers in Botswana when they clear the ... -
Comparison of Laboratory pH Buffer Methods for Predicting Lime Requirement for Acidic Soils of Eastern Botswana
(Taylor & Francis, 2004)The suitability of pH buffer methods that determine lime requirement (L.R.) of acid soils of the eastern region of Botswana has not been determined, and the soil physiochemical properties that influence L.R. are not known. ... -
Ngoro: an indigenous, sustainable and profitable soil, water and nutrient conservation system in Tanzania for sloping land
(Elservier, 2004)The Matengo people, in SW Tanzania, developed the ngoro conservation system several hundred years ago and it is a very effective indigenous manual cultivation practice for steep slopes. It deserves wider recognition and ... -
Potentials of Guinea Grass (Panicum maximum) as Forage Crop in Livestock Production
(Asian Network for Scientific Information, 2004)Panicum maximum (guinea grass) is native to Africa but this grass was introduced to almost all tropical countries as a source of animal forage. It grows well on a wide variety of well drained soils of good fertility and ... -
Treated sewage effluent (water) potential to be used for horticultural production in Botswana.
(Elsevier, 2004-08)Botswana being semi-arid and arid country, the provision of drinking water and water for agricultural production is becoming increasingly scarce and expensive. Measures that can augment the available sources of water or ... -
Rainfall reliability, drought and flood vulnerability in Botswana
(Water SA, 2004-08-04)Rainfall data from 14 stations (cities, towns and major villages) spanning 26 years (1970 to 1995) were used to calculate reliability and vulnerability of rainfall in Botswana. Time series data for 72 years were generated ...