Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • A review of agricultural mechanization status in Botswana 

      Patrick, Cecil; Tapela, Mataba (AMA, Agricultural Mechanization in Asia, Africa and Latin America,, 2002-08-28)
      Agricultural mechanization in Botswana is predominantly animal draught-powered. The low yields which characterize the arable sector due to low and erratic rainfall causes continued reliance on government subsidies. Government ...
    • Sorghum yield and associated satellite-derived meteorological parameters in semi-arid Botswana 

      Tsheko, Rejoice; Tapela, Mataba; Mashungwa, Gloria; Kayombo, Benedict (African Crop Science Journal, 2015-03-15)
      Africa has sparse meteorological stations, hence it is increasingly common to use satellite-derived meteorological parameters, where in-situ measuremnts are not available. The objective of this study was to determine if ...