Azanza garckeana: A Valuable Edible Indigenous Fruit Tree of Botswana
Azanza garkeana (morojwa) is a valuable edible indigenous fruit tree species confined to east and southern Africa. Because of its multiple use the species is selected and retained by farmers in Botswana when they clear the woodland for crops and building house. It is one of the indigenous fruit tree species that is semi-domesticated by local people in Botswana. The species is an important indigenous source of food in Botswana. Besides proving people with fruits, the tree also provides goods (timber, firewood, fodder etc.) and services (soil conservation, shade etc.). The species is an important source of essential minerals particularly P, Ca, Mg and Na. This paper reviews Azanza garckeana as an important multipurpose indigenous fruit tree with high potential social and economic value in Botswana.
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