Now showing items 1-3 of 3
Processing and Utilization of Dry Beans and Pulses in Africa.
(John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2021-12-17)
A wide range of dry beans and other pulses are produced and consumed in Africa. In most African countries pulses are referred to as “poor man's meat.” These legume crops are grown for subsistence and consumed by most ...
Monepenepe (Cassia abbriviata): A Medicinal Plant in Botswana [2005]
(Asian Network for Scientific Information, 2005)
Cassia abbrivata commonly known, as Monepenepe in Botswana is a widespread shrub or medium sized tree or shrub belonging to the Caesalpinaceae family. In Africa it grows from Somalia to South Africa. It is important medicine ...
A call for global action for rare diseases in Africa
(Nature Research, 2019-12-23)
The 11th International Conference on Rare Diseases and Orphan Drugs (ICORD), South Africa, included the Africa-Rare initiative launch and facilitated multi-stakeholder engagement in the challenges facing, and opportunities ...