Now showing items 1-10 of 15
Chemical composition and in vitro dry matter digestibility of local landraces of sweet sorghum in Botswana
(Livestock Research for Rural Development, 2002)
Sweet sorghum is a variant of grain sorghum (Sorghum bicolour (L) Moench, grown in Botswana for edible juicy sweet stem instead of grain. Suitability of sweet sorghum as forage for livestock was investigated by evaluating ...
Seroprevalence of Selected Tick Borne Pathogens and Diversity and Abundance of Ixodid Ticks (Acari: Ixodidae) at the Wildlife-Livestock Interface in Northern Botswana
(Frontiers Media, 2020-05-05)
Ticks and tick borne diseases (TBDs) undermine livestock production with considerable economic losses to livestock producers in endemic areas worldwide. Despite the impact of ticks and TBDs in livestock production, there ...
Artificial insemination: Factors influencing its utilisation by beef cattle farmers in Southern and Ghanzi districts in Botswana
(Elservier, 2024-02-09)
The use of assisted reproductive technologies to improve productivity in livestock industry is becoming popular. The study aimed to determine the utilisation of artificial insemination (AI) and to find out the factors ...
A survey on rabbit production in the city of Gaborone, Botswana
(Intergrity Research Journals, 2019-05-30)
This study was conducted to provide information on rabbit production in 20 operations in the City of Gaborone, Botswana. Data were collected from individual rabbit breeders and educational institutions (5) using a structured ...
First-time detection of bovine viral diarrhoea virus, BVDV-1, in cattle in Botswana
(AOSIS [Commercial Publisher], 2019-01-01)
Infectious diseases are serious constraints for improving livestock productivity. Bovine viral diarrhoea virus (BVDV) is a virus causing grave economic losses throughout the cattle producing world. Infection is often not ...
Monitoring production, health and marketing of indigenous Tswana pigs in Ramotswa village of Botswana
(Fundación CIPAV, 2006)
The purpose of this study was to monitor the production, health and marketing of indigenous Tswana pigs in Ramotswa village of Botswana over a 12-month period. Farmers who rear indigenous Tswana pigs were identified by ...
Carcass Characteristics of Lavender, Pearl Grey and Royal Purple Varieties of Domesticated Helmeted Guinea Fowl (Numida meleagris) Raised under Intensive Management System in Botswana
(Science Alert, 2016)
The objective of this study was to evaluate carcass characteristics of lavender, pearl gray and royal purple varieties of domesticated helmeted guinea fowl kept under an intensive management system in Botswana. Carcass ...
Indigenous Tswana pig production characteristics and management practices in southern districts of Botswana
(SpringerLink, 2019-08-14)
Indigenous animal genetic resources are vital in agriculture especially in the era of climate change because they are adapted to the harsh local conditions. Therefore, their conservation through utilisation is necessary. ...
A survey analysis of indigenous goat production in communal farming systems of Botswana
(SpringerLink, 2017-06-17)
A total of 153 communal farmers in four agro-ecological regions of Botswana were interviewed using a structured questionnaire. The aims of the survey were to characterise existing communal goat production systems, evaluate ...
Diseases and management of indigenous chickens in Oodi, Kgatleng, Botswana.
(Cambridge University Press, 2007-09-18)
A total of 215 indigenous chickens were found in 10 homesteads visited in Oodi, Kgatleng, Botswana from June to July 1999. The mean (SD) flock size was 21.5 (11.6) with a range of 7–47. The chickens were not housed but ...