Now showing items 1-10 of 11
Diversity patterns of woody vegetation of Kgatleng District, Botswana.
(Biodiversity, Evolution and Ecology of Plants., 2018)
Vegetation assessments have intensified around the globe to document plant diversity in the wake of climatic shifts and local environmental changes. Botswana also recognises the value of documenting plant diversity, and ...
The use of analytic hierarchy process (AHP) for stakeholder preference analysis: A case study from Kasane Forest Reserve, Botswana
(Academic Journals, 2012-10-31)
Public participation in decision making on management of forest resources is crucial to the planning and sustainable development approach. Rarely, however, are efforts made to measure local stakeholder preferences for ...
Dimensional Relations and Physical Properties of Wood of Acacia saligna, an Invasive Tree species growing in Botswana
(International Science Community Association, 2013-07-06)
A study was carried out to evaluate wood physical properties of Acacia saligna, an invasive alien species that has naturalized in Botswana. Wood samples were collected from three different trees at three different heights ...
Studies on Mukwa (Pterocarpus angolensis, D. C.) Dieback in Chobe Forest Reserves in Botswana.
(Canadian Center of Science and Education (CCSE) [Society Publisher], 2012-08-20)
A study was carried out in forest reserves located in Chobe district in Botswana to assess the effect of dieback and associated causes on Mukwa tree, Pterocarpus angolensis Fire, elephant damage and dieback were assessed ...
Forest Dependency and Its Implication for Protected Areas Management: A case Study From Kasane Forest Reserve, Botswana
(Springer, 2009-04-15)
Conservation of biodiversity in protected areas will be more challenging if local communities are heavily dependent on them for various products and subsistence needs. This study estimated forest dependency and identified ...
Land reforms that exclude the poor: the case of Botswana.
(Taylor & Francis Online, 2008-09-03)
Land reforms in Botswana, unlike those in other southern African countries, were not undertaken with the primary objective of redistributing land, but rather with the three objectives of increasing agricultural productivity, ...
Forest resource utilisation and rural livelihoods : insights from Chobe enclave, Botswana.
(Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, 2020-01-31)
For centuries, developing countries have been immensely dependent on environmental resources, forests included. Despite the established contribution of forests to livelihoods, the level of communities’ reliance on forest ...
Socio-economic factors influencing household forest dependency in Chobe enclave, Botswana.
(Springer Open, 2017)
Introduction: Human dependence on forests is a multifaceted phenomenon. The degree of reliance on forests varies geographically, overtime and across communities. These dynamics underpin the importance of understanding the ...
Community Perspective on State Forest Management Regime and its Implication on Forest Sustainability: A Case Study of Chobe Forest Reserve, Botswana
(Taylor & Francis Online, 2020-01-31)
Forest management regimes have evolved worldwide over time in a quest to protect and conserve forests. This paper analysed local communities’ perspectives on the existing management regime for the Chobe Forest Reserve, ...
Farmers’ planting and management of indigenous and exotic trees in Botswana: implications for climate change mitigation.
(Business Perspectives [Commercial Publisher], 2015)
Natural woodlands provide majority of rural population with energy source, food, building material and fodder for livestock. However, current developments and population growth have exerted enormous pressure on the woodlands ...