Reseach articles: Recent submissions
Now showing items 41-60 of 63
A mathematical model for fall armyworm management on maize biomass
(SpringerLink, 2012)Fall armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda), a highly destructive and fast spreading agricultural pest native to North and South America, poses a real threat to global food security. In this paper, to explore the dynamics and ... -
The effects of vaccination and treatment on the spread of HIV/AIDS
(World Scientific Publishing, 2004)This study investigates the effects of vaccination and treatment on the spread of HIV/AIDS. The objectives are (i) to derive conditions for the success of vaccination and treatment programs and (ii) to derive threshold ... -
Unit groups of cube radical zero commutative completely primary finite rings
(Hindawi Publishing Corporation, 2005-07)A completely primary finite ring is a ring R with identity 1 = 0 whose subset of all its zero divisors forms the unique maximal ideal J. Let R be a commutative completely primary finite ring with the unique maximal ideal ... -
On Unit Groups of Completely Primary Finite Rings
(The Berkeley Electronic Press (bepress), 2008-01)Let R be a commutative completely primary finite ring with the unique maximal ideal J such that J3 = (0) and J2 6= (0): Then R⁄J ∼= GF(pr) and the characteristic of R is pk, where 1 ≤ k ≤ 3, for some prime p and positive ... -
On a Class of finite rings
(Taylor & Francis, 2007-06-27)In [7], Corbas determined all finite rings in which the product of any two zerodivisors is zero, and showed that they are of two types, one of characteristic p and the other of characteristic p2. The purpose of this paper ... -
Gross and microanatomical changes at the weight bearing points of ostrich induced by soil or concrete floor and implications for welfare.
(Botswana University of Agriculture and Natural resources, 2013)This study investigated the gross and microanatomical changes occurring at the weight bearing points on the ostrich body surface induced by rearing on soil floor or on concrete floor and the implications for the welfare ... -
Drought and grazing influence on Northern Chihuahuan desert rangelands, New Mexico.
(Botswana University of Agriculture and Natural resources, 2013)A short term cattle grazing trial was started in June 1992 in the Chihuahuan Desert in Southern New Mexico to study the influence of drought and grazing on plant responses. Paddocks were grazed in June and September each ... -
Responses of leaf parameters of Arabidopsis thaliana ecotypes to change in CO2 concentrations.
(Botswana University of Agriculture and Natural resources, 2013)An increase in anthropogenic generation of carbon dioxide (CO2) is one of the characteristic features of global climate change. How plants respond to this change has critical implications for the performance of both natural ... -
The challenges of Ilaje youth in combining education with artisanal fishing in Ondo State, Nigeria.
(Botswana University of Agriculture and Natural resources, 2013)The study examined how Ilajes in-school youth entrepreneurs combined their education with fishing activities in Ondo State. It examined their personal characteristics, period of involvement and educational activities. ... -
Effects of chemical preservatives and water quality on postharvest keeping quality of cut Lisianthus (Eustoma grandiflorum L)
(Botswana University of Agriculture and Natural resources, 2013)This study was carried out to investigate effects of various chemicals added to vase solutions and also effects of water quality on the post-harvest physiology of Lisianthus (Eustoma grandiflorum L.) cut stems. The vase ... -
Evaluation of carcass, organ and organoleptic properties of spent layers of different poultry types.
(Botswana University of Agriculture and Natural resources, 2013)This study was designed to assess carcass, organ and organoleptic properties of spent layers of different poultry species; comprising of geese, local chicken, commercial chicken and quails. Eight (8) birds of each species ... -
Inventories of fallout 210Pb and 137Cs radionuclides in moorland and woodland soils around Edinburgh urban area (UK)
(Elsevier, 2006)Inventories of fallout 210Pb and 137Cs have been measured in moorland and woodland soils around the Edinburgh urban area, using a high purity germanium detector. The 210Pb inventories in moorland soils were relatively ... -
Factors influencing ambient concentrations of 210Pb and 7Be over the city of Edinburgh (55.9°N, 03.2°W)
(Elsevier, 2006)Concentrations of 210Pb and 7Be in air were continuously monitored, using a high-volume air sampler and a high-resolution gamma-ray spectrometer, during the period of July 2002 to June 2003 at the University of Edinburgh ... -
Wet deposition of 210Pb aerosols over two areas of contrasting topography
(Institute Of Physics Publishing Ltd, 2006-11-24)Deposition fluxes of 210Pb on low and moderately high-elevation sites of Edinburgh (Scotland) and mid-Wales, respectively, have been measured. The excess 210Pb fluxes in moorland Edinburgh soils did not vary significantly ... -
Atmospheric transfer and deposition mechanisms of 210Pb aerosols onto forest Soils
(Springer Verlag, 2009-09)Activities of 210Pb carrier aerosols in an age-graded Sitka spruce conifer, three deciduous (oak, lime and sycamore) foliage and in rain and throughfall samples have been measured during the period of 2001–2002. The 210Pb ... -
Deposition rates of atmospheric particulates determined from 210Pb measurements in soils and air
(HARD Publishing, 2010)Deposition rates of atmospheric particles were determined using previously published 210Pb data in soils and air. The dry deposition velocities for moorland and woodland soils were 2.2±1.8 and 9±2 mm• s-1, respectively. ... -
Assessment of γ-radiation levels and associated dose rates from surface soils in the eastern part of Botswana
(INDERSCIENCE Publishers, 2014)This paper reports the γ-radiation levels of the naturally occurring 40K, 210Pb, 232Th and 226Ra and the anthropogenic 137Cs in the eastern part of Botswana so as to assess their possible dose impact to the members of the ... -
Preliminary investigation of transfer of metals from soil to vegetables: Case study of Spinacia oleracea L.
(Academic Journals, 2016-09)The objective of the study was to measure concentrations of Cu, Ni and Zn in Spinacia oleracea cultivated at a site near the copper and nickel mine in Selebi Phikwe. The mean concentrations (in dry matter-basis) of Cu, Zn ... -
Health risk assessment of heavy metals via dietary intake of vegetables irrigated with treated wastewater around Gaborone, Botswana
(International Conference on Plant, Marine and Environmental Sciences, 2015-01)Heavy metal concentrations of Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn in green peppers (Capsicum annuum) and tomatoes (Solanum lycopersicum) irrigated with treated wastewater from the Glen Valley farms were determined. Concentrations ... -
Assessment of heavy metal enrichment and degree of contamination around the copper-nickel mine in the Selebi Phikwe Region, Eastern Botswana
(Horizon Research Publishing Cooperation, 2013)This paper focuses on heavy metal (Co, Cu, Fe, Pb, Mn, Ni and Zn) enrichment and degree of contamination in the soils windward of the Selebi Phikwe copper and nickel mine (eastern Botswana). Pollution by these metals was ...