Browsing Reseach articles by Title
Now showing items 119-136 of 136
Rainfall reliability, drought and flood vulnerability in Botswana
(Water SA, 2004-08-04)Rainfall data from 14 stations (cities, towns and major villages) spanning 26 years (1970 to 1995) were used to calculate reliability and vulnerability of rainfall in Botswana. Time series data for 72 years were generated ... -
A review of agricultural mechanization status in Botswana
(AMA, Agricultural Mechanization in Asia, Africa and Latin America,, 2002-08-28)Agricultural mechanization in Botswana is predominantly animal draught-powered. The low yields which characterize the arable sector due to low and erratic rainfall causes continued reliance on government subsidies. Government ... -
Review on edible water lilies and lotus: Future food, nutrition and their health benefits
(Elservier, 2023)Water lilies and lotus are regarded as good source of food, nutrition, and medicinal purposes. This review assessed scientific evidence for application of fifteen species of water lilies and lotus as functional and ... -
Rheology and botanical origin of Ethiopian monofloral honey
(Elsevier, 2016-09-20)Rheology and botanical origin of Ethiopian monofloral honeys were investigated using harmonized method of melissopalynology and HAAKE VT 500 over a temperature range of 25–45 °C, respectively. The percent dominance of ... -
Root zone solute dynamics under drip irrigation: A review
(Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2000)Infiltration and subsequent distribution of water and solutes under cropped conditions is strongly dependent on the irrigation method, soil type, crop root distribution, and uptake patterns and rates of water and solutes. ... -
Scheduling irrigation from wetting front depth.
(Elsevier, 2016-07-07)Irrigation scheduling is often based around the analogy of a ‘tipping bucket’, and the measurement or prediction of the amount of water stored within the bucket. We compare this conventional approach of scheduling with ... -
Sorghum yield and associated satellite-derived meteorological parameters in semi-arid Botswana
(African Crop Science Journal, 2015-03-15)Africa has sparse meteorological stations, hence it is increasingly common to use satellite-derived meteorological parameters, where in-situ measuremnts are not available. The objective of this study was to determine if ... -
Spatial and temporal variation of soil properties and soil organic carbon in semi-arid areas of Sub-Sahara Africa
(Elservier, 2024-03)Land cover land use (LCLU) patterns play a crucial role in shaping the biosphere and global climate. This influence is especially pronounced in arid and semi-arid regions, where environmental vulnerabilities are heightened. ... -
Sterols as a biomarker in tracing niger and sesame seeds oils adulterated with palm oil.
(Elsevier Ltd, 2021-04)Food adulteration is a serious social problem all over the world. The oil obtained from the niger and sesame is known for its quality and has a high market value in Ethiopia. The cost of the oil obtained from these oilseed ... -
Structural and physicochemical characterization of starch from water lily (Nymphaea lotus) for food and non-food applications.
(Elsevier Ltd, 2024-06)In this study, starches were isolated from rhizomes and seeds of water lily (Nymphaea lotus) using cold distilled water. The structural and physicochemical properties of the isolated starches were compared with potato, ... -
Symbiotic functioning and bradyrhizobial biodiversity of cowpea (Vigna unguiculataL. Walp.) in Africa
(SpringerLink, 2010-03-23)Cowpea is the most important food grain legume in Sub-Saharan Africa. However, no study has so far assessed rhizobial biodiversity and/or nodule functioning in relation to strain IGS types at the continent level. In this ... -
Symbiotic N nutrition, bradyrhizobial biodiversity and photosynthetic functioning of six inoculated promiscuous-nodulating soybean genotypes
(Elservier, 2011)Six promiscuous soybean genotypes were assessed for their ability to nodulate with indigenous rootnodule bacteria in Ghana, with Bradyrhizobium japonicum WB74 serving as positive control. Although the results revealed free ... -
Symbiotic performance of grain and wild herbaceous legumes in the Okavango Delta and Tswapong region of Botswana
(Springer Verlag, 2017)The low inherent soil fertility, especially nitrogen (N) constrains arable agriculture in Botswana. Nitrogen is usually added to soil through inorganic fertilizer application. In this study, biological nitrogen fixation ... -
Terminalia Prunioides pods herbal tea: Antioxidant activity, proximate, and metal content analysis.
(Elsevier Ltd, 2023-10)Growth in the demand for herbal teas has led to an increase in their research and commercial activities. In this study, the quantitative assessment of Motsiara (Terminalia prunioides) pods herbal tea was performed by ... -
Treated sewage effluent (water) potential to be used for horticultural production in Botswana.
(Elsevier, 2004-08)Botswana being semi-arid and arid country, the provision of drinking water and water for agricultural production is becoming increasingly scarce and expensive. Measures that can augment the available sources of water or ... -
Validation and Reproducibility of a Food Frequency Questionnaire for use among Adults in Botswana.
(Cambridge University Press, 2012-11-01)Objective: To evaluate the validity and reproducibility of a 122-item interviewer-administered quantitative FFQ developed to determine food and nutrient intakes of adults in Botswana. Design: Relative validity of the FFQ ... -
Wildlife-livestock interface, veterinary cordon fence damage, lack of protection zones, livestock theft and owner apathy: Complex socio-ecological dynamics in Foot and Mouth disease control in southern Africa
(Springer Open, 2016-10-26)Current efforts to control and possibly eradicate the highly contagious and economically important Foot and Mouth disease (FMD) in Botswana are hampered by numerous inextricably linked constraints. These constraints were ... -
Yield and Yield Attributes of Tomato as Influenced by Organic Fertilizer
(SCIENCEDOMAIN international, 2016-03-31)A field experiment was established at the Botswana University of Agriculture and Natural Resources to evaluate the effects of organic fertilizer on yield and yield attributes of tomato from October 2014 to March 2015. The ...