Browsing Faculty of Animal and Veterinary Sciences by Title
Now showing items 1-20 of 162
(Centre for Info Bio Technology, 2018-12)An investigation was carried out to determine the cause of increased mortality in sheep and goats at BUAN farm in March 2017. At the time of reporting sheep and goat deaths had occurred daily for over a week. Clinical signs ... -
Anaplasma ovisinfection in goat flocks around Gaborone, Botswana
(Springer, 2019-08-13)Anaplasma is a genus of gram-negative, intracellular bacteria infecting different blood cells in animals. A. ovis infects erythrocytes of sheep and goats, inducing clinical signs that include haemolytic anaemia, icterus ... -
Anaplasmainfection prevalence in beef and dairy cattle in the south eastregion of Botswana
(Elsevier, 2017-12-26)Infection of cattle by the tick-borne intra-erythrocytic bacteria of the genusAnaplasmaoccurs worldwide.Nevertheless, prevalence rates in specific regions are still required to inform cattle farming management deci-sions. ... -
Application of a sex identification technique in juvenile ostriches and its potential application in Botswana
(South African Journal of Animal Science, 2002-09-22)Sexing ostrich chicks and juveniles before the dimorphous appearance of the plumage that starts at 14 months of age is proving difficult and cumbersome for Botswana farmers. This problem delays early selection of birds for ... -
Applying genomic information for conservation and utilisation of the indigenous Tswana goat of Botswana
(2018)The indigenous Tswana constitutes 71% of the Botswana goat population (Botswana statistics, 2013). It is well adapted to the harsh conditions of the country such as poor nutrition, frequent droughts, high heat, diseases ... -
Artificial insemination: Factors influencing its utilisation by beef cattle farmers in Southern and Ghanzi districts in Botswana
(Elservier, 2024-02-09)The use of assisted reproductive technologies to improve productivity in livestock industry is becoming popular. The study aimed to determine the utilisation of artificial insemination (AI) and to find out the factors ... -
Assessment of colour stability and palatability of beef top sirloin butts (Gluteus medius) muscle #
(Botswana University of Agriculture and Natural Resources, 2012)This study investigated the interactive effect of USDA quality and yield grades on color stability of beef top sirloin butt. Beef top sirloin butts (n = 48) were selected at a slaughter facility based on United States ... -
Assessment of genetic diversity and relationship of the two Sanga type cattle of Botswana based on microsatellite markers.
(Springer, 2022-06-10)The study was performed to evaluate genetic variation on two Sanga type cattle found in Botswana: Tswana and Tuli using twelve microsatellite markers. All amplified loci were polymorphic with 75 and 77 alleles genotyped ... -
Bovine anaplasmosis in Zimbabwe: spatio-temporal distribution and environmental drivers.
(Taylor and Francis Ltd., 2024-01-27)Understanding the spatial and temporal distribution of Bovine anaplasmosis is crucial for identifying areas of high prevalence for targeted disease control. This research was aimed at modelling and mapping the B. anaplasmosis ... -
Breed effects and heterosis for weight traits and tick count in a cross between an indigenous fat-tailed and a commercial sheep breed
(Springer Link, 2021-02-15)Ticks can compromise productivity and welfare in free-ranging sheep. Chemical tick control may not be sustainable in the long term. Alternative control measures must be sought for an integrated control programme. Birth and ... -
BRIEF COMMUNICATION: High crude protein in autumn pasture does not impair reproductive performance in sheep
(New Zealand Society of Animal Production, 2008)Embryos exposed to ammonia may degenerate or their growth enhanced (McEvoy et al., 1997). Kelly (1982) reported reproductive wastage of 24.9% in South Island sheep. New Zealand pastures contain high concentrations of crude ... -
Can indigenous plants be harnessed to control internal worms for small stock in Botswana?
(Botswana University of Agriculture & Natural Resources, 2017)Small stock offers an opportunity to contribute to poverty reduction and to empower youth and women. Rearing of sheep and goats also opens opportunities for wealth creation, job creation and to diversify animal agriculture. ... -
Carcass analysis and meat composition of the donkey
(Asian Network for Scientific Information, 2003)The objective was to determine the meat yield, proximate and mineral composition in donkey carcasses, aged between 5-8 years. Proximate analysis of the minced carcass was done and reported as moisture, dry matter, crude ... -
Carcass characteristics and meat quality of ross 308 broiler chickens fed malted red and white sorghum-based diets
(MDPI [Commercial Publisher], 2022-06-28)In this study, the effects of malted sorghum-based diets (MSBD) on carcass characteristics and meat quality were investigated in broiler chickens. Two-week-old Ross 308 broilers were randomly allocated to three groups (each ... -
Carcass Characteristics of Lavender, Pearl Grey and Royal Purple Varieties of Domesticated Helmeted Guinea Fowl (Numida meleagris) Raised under Intensive Management System in Botswana
(Science Alert, 2016)The objective of this study was to evaluate carcass characteristics of lavender, pearl gray and royal purple varieties of domesticated helmeted guinea fowl kept under an intensive management system in Botswana. Carcass ... -
Chemical composition and gas production substrates of maize cobs treated with combinations of urea and wood ash
(Federation for Animal Science (FAS), 2021-06-11)Effect of treating maize cobs with a combination of urea and wood ash (WA) on chemical composition and in vitro gas production truly degraded substrate (TDS) were examined. The treatments were:1) 100U = (100% urea and 0% ... -
Chemical composition and in vitro dry matter digestibility of four parasitic plants (Tapinanthus lugardii, Erianthenum ngamicum, Viscum rotundifolium and Viscum verrucosum) in Botswana
(Elservier, 2000-04-10)Parasitic plants, Tapinanthus lugardii, Erianthenum ngamicum, Viscum rotundifolium and V. verrucosum were harvested during months (January, March, May and June) in 1998 at the Sebele Research Station. The samples were ... -
Chemical composition and in vitro dry matter digestibility of indigenous finger millet (Eleusine coracana) in Botswana
(Livestock Research for Rural Development, 2004-04)Samples of three finger millet landraces NPGRC 3001, NPGRC 3002 and NPGRC 3003 were obtained during the vegetative stage (80 days growth) and from straw. They were analysed for ash, Cu and IVDMD. NPGRC 3001 had the highest ... -
Chemical composition and in vitro dry matter digestibility of local landraces of sweet sorghum in Botswana
(Livestock Research for Rural Development, 2002)Sweet sorghum is a variant of grain sorghum (Sorghum bicolour (L) Moench, grown in Botswana for edible juicy sweet stem instead of grain. Suitability of sweet sorghum as forage for livestock was investigated by evaluating ... -
Chemical composition and sensory evaluation of broilers supplemented on two levels of Phane worm (Imbrasia belina) meal
(Botswana University of Agriculture and Natural Resources, 2010)