Browsing Research articles by Author "Nsoso, Shalaulani James"
Now showing items 1-16 of 16
Applying genomic information for conservation and utilisation of the indigenous Tswana goat of Botswana
Monau, P. I.; Visser, C.; Nsoso, Shalaulani James; Van Marle-Köster, E. (2018)The indigenous Tswana constitutes 71% of the Botswana goat population (Botswana statistics, 2013). It is well adapted to the harsh conditions of the country such as poor nutrition, frequent droughts, high heat, diseases ... -
Carcass Characteristics of Lavender, Pearl Grey and Royal Purple Varieties of Domesticated Helmeted Guinea Fowl (Numida meleagris) Raised under Intensive Management System in Botswana
Kgakole, Boitumelo; Nsoso, Shalaulani James; Kgwatalala, Patrick Monametsi (Science Alert, 2016)The objective of this study was to evaluate carcass characteristics of lavender, pearl gray and royal purple varieties of domesticated helmeted guinea fowl kept under an intensive management system in Botswana. Carcass ... -
Effect of feeding mopane worm meal on mineral intake, retention and utilization in guinea fowl under intensive system
Chiripasi, S.C.; Moreki, John Cassius; Nsoso, Shalaulani James; Letso, Moagi (Asian Network for Scientific Information, 2013)This study investigated the mineral intake, utilization and retention of guinea fowl fed varying levels of mopane worm meal as a protein source under intensive system up to 13 weeks of age. Ninety-six day old keets were ... -
Effect of Imbrasia belina (Westwood) or Vigna subterranea (L) Verde or Tylosema esculentum (Burchell) Schreiber as protein sources in diets fed to Tswana hens on egg quality
Manyeula, Freddy; Tsopito, Christopher; Kamau, J. M.; Mogotsi, K. K.; Nsoso, Shalaulani James; Moreki, John Cassius (Integrity Research Journals, 2018-12-12)A 90 days study was conducted to compare the effects of feeding Tswana hens reared under intensive system and fed diets formulated from Imbrasia belina (Westwood), Vigna subterranea (L) Verde and Tylosema esculentum ... -
Effect of imbrasia belina (westwood), tylosema esculentum (Burchell) schreiber and vigna subterranea (L) verde as protein sources on growth and laying performance of tswana hens raised under intensive production system
Manyeula, Freddy; Tsopito, Christopher; Kamau, J.; Mogotsi, K. K.; Nsoso, Shalaulani James; Moreki, John Cassius (Scientific Journal of Animal Science, 2013-01-27)A feeding trial was conducted to determine growth and laying performance of indigenous Tswana hens fed diets formulated with four different protein sources consisting of either Tylosema esculentum (Burchell) or Vigna ... -
Genetic variation from 12 microsatellite makers in an indigenous Tswana goat flock in South-eastern Botswana
Maletsanake, D.; Nsoso, Shalaulani James; Kgwatalala, Patrick (Livestock Research for Rural Development, 2013)The objective of this study was to preliminary characterize genetic variability from 12 microsatellite markers in an indigenous Tswana goat flock in South-eastern Botswana. The genomic DNA from 87 partially pedigreed ... -
Indigenous Tswana pig production characteristics and management practices in southern districts of Botswana
Thutwa, Ketshephaone; Chabo, Ricks; Nsoso, Shalaulani James; Mareko, Molebeledi; Kgwatalala, Patrick Monametsi; Owusu-Sekyere, Enoch (SpringerLink, 2019-08-14)Indigenous animal genetic resources are vital in agriculture especially in the era of climate change because they are adapted to the harsh local conditions. Therefore, their conservation through utilisation is necessary. ... -
Influence of stocking density on bone development in family chickens reared up to 18 weeks of age under intensive system
Baitshotlhi, J.C.; Moreki, John Cassius; Tsopito, Christopher Mareledi; Nsoso, Shalaulani James (Asian Network for Scientific Information, 2014)This study investigated the influence of stocking density on bone development of family chickens up to 18 weeks of age. A total of 232 unsexed day-old family chicks were used in a completely randomized design. Birds were ... -
Microsatellite marker analysis of Tswana cattle kept under in situ conservation at Botswana University of Agriculture and Natural Resources.
Bakae, Tirelo; Monau, Phetogo Ineeleng; Kgwatalala, Patrick; Nsoso, Shalaulani James (Fundacion CIPAV, 2021)The study was carried out to assess genetic diversity of Tswana cattle conserved at Botswana University of Agriculture and Natural Resources (BUAN) farm. Twelve microsatellite markers recommended by the International Society ... -
Monitoring production, health and marketing of indigenous Tswana pigs in Ramotswa village of Botswana
Nsoso, Shalaulani James; Mannathoko, G.G.; Modise, Keipeile Gracious (Fundación CIPAV, 2006)The purpose of this study was to monitor the production, health and marketing of indigenous Tswana pigs in Ramotswa village of Botswana over a 12-month period. Farmers who rear indigenous Tswana pigs were identified by ... -
Occurrences of goat mastitis and milking management in the Oodi agricultural region, Botswana
Mugabe, Wazha; Mpapho, Gaolebale Segolame; Kamau, John; Mahabile, Wameotsile; Nsoso, Shalaulani James; Dipheko, Kealeboga; Shah, Assar Ali (Smith and Franklin Academic Publishing, 2018-04-05)Goat milk production contributes less to Botswana’s dairy sectors with a low annual production of 4 tonnes per year. The objectives of the study were to evaluate goat milk production practices and attributes of goat farmers ... -
Phenotypic and genetic characterization of indigenous tswana goats
Monau, P.I.; Nsoso, Shalaulani James; Visser, C.; Van Marle-Köster, E. (South African Society for Animal Science, 2018-01-01)Tswana goats that were kept in communal systems in three agro-ecological regions in Botswana were characterized according to phenotypic measurements and genotypic data. Objective measurements for 123 goats included bodyweight ... -
Phenotypic characterization of Tswana chickens based on quantitative traits in Kweneng and Southern Districts, Botswana
Machete, James; Nsoso, Shalaulani James; Kgwatalala, Patrick; Moreki, John Cassius; Aganga, Andrew (Livestock Research for Rural Development, 2017)The objective of this study was to characterize both sexes of the naked-neck, dwarf, rumpless, normal-feathered and frizzled strains of Tswana chickens in the Kweneng and Southern districts of Botswana using some quantitative ... -
The prevalence of internal and external parasites in pigs of different ages and sexes in Southeast District, Botswana
Nsoso, Shalaulani James; Mosala, K.P.; Ndebele, R.T.; Ramabu, Solomon (AOSIS [Commercial Publisher], 2000-05-22)Botswana imports most pig-based products from neighbouring countries. Pig farming is limited by, among other things, the negative effect of parasites and diseases on production. The object of this study was to determine ... -
A survey analysis of indigenous goat production in communal farming systems of Botswana
Monau, Phetogo; Visser, C.; Nsoso, Shalaulani James; Van Marle-Köster, E. (SpringerLink, 2017-06-17)A total of 153 communal farmers in four agro-ecological regions of Botswana were interviewed using a structured questionnaire. The aims of the survey were to characterise existing communal goat production systems, evaluate ... -
Ultrasound measurements of live and carcass traits in Tswana goat kids raised under semi-intensive system in South-eastern Botswana
Monau, Phetogo Ineeleng; Nsoso, Shalaulani James; Waugh, Esau Emmanuel; Sharma, Surender Pal (SpringerLink, 2012-11-12)The aim of this study was to characterise ultrasound measurements of live and carcass traits in intact males, females and castrated Tswana goat kids from birth to 12 months of age raised under semi-intensive system in ...