Now showing items 1-4 of 4
Application of the dual attribute time-intensity (DATI) sensory method to the temporal measurement of bitterness and astringency in sorghum.
(Wiley, 2011-12-01)
Bitterness and astringency are attributes generally cited as the cause of tannin sorghums being unpalatable. The objective here was to determine the effect of sorghums with varying tannin content on bitterness and astringency ...
Symbiotic N nutrition, bradyrhizobial biodiversity and photosynthetic functioning of six inoculated promiscuous-nodulating soybean genotypes
(Elservier, 2011)
Six promiscuous soybean genotypes were assessed for their ability to nodulate with indigenous rootnodule bacteria in Ghana, with Bradyrhizobium japonicum WB74 serving as positive control. Although the results revealed free ...
Potential of traditional food plants in rural household food security in Botswana
(Academic Journals, 2011-06-11)
Botswana is endowed with a variety of traditional food plants which grow annually despite erratic rainfall. The most common traditional food plants are leafy vegetables (for example, Amaranthus, Cleome, Conchorus and Vigna ...
Assessment of heavy metal pollution in soils along major roadside areas in Botswana
(Academic Journals, 2011-03)
Assessment of heavy metal pollutants: Al, Co, Cu, Fe, Pb, Mn, Ni and Zn was conducted along major roadside soils of Botswana, lying between latitudes 18°S to 27°S and longitudes 20°E to 29°E using enrichment factor ratios ...