Browsing by Title
Now showing items 619-638 of 717
Safflower Growth, Development, Yield and Oil Content as Influenced By Genotype and Environment Interaction Under Onfarm Conditions
(Botswana University of Agriculture & Natural Resources, 2024-09)Safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) is amongst the neglected and underutilized oilseed crop that is adaptable to environmental conditions present in arid and semi-arid lands (ASALs). It has many uses like foods, textile, ... -
Scheduling irrigation from wetting front depth.
(Elsevier, 2016-07-07)Irrigation scheduling is often based around the analogy of a ‘tipping bucket’, and the measurement or prediction of the amount of water stored within the bucket. We compare this conventional approach of scheduling with ... -
Screening soybean (Glycine max L.) Merrill cultivars for response to root-knot nematodes, Meloidogyne (Goeldi) spp. in two agro-ccological zones in Ghana, West Africa
(Botswana University of Agriculture & Natural Resources, 2008)Ten soybean cultivars were grown for two seasons in fields heavily infested by Meloidogyne arenaria, M. incognita and M. javanica in two agroecological zones of Ghana in order to assess their reaction to the root-knot ... -
Seasonal Variation in Home Range Sizes and Daily Distance to Ephemeral Surface Water for African Savannah Elephant (Loxodonta africana) in Eastern Okavango Panhandle, Northern Botswana.
(John Wiley and Sons Ltd, 2025-01)African elephants (Loxodonta africana) are megaherbivores of the African savannas requiring extensive ranges that can provide critical resources for their survival and reproduction at different spatiotemporal scales. We ... -
Seed dispersal by serrated tortoises (Psammobates Oculiferus) and the effect of their gut passage on seed germination.
(Researchgate, 2014-10-27)Some tortoises are frugivores and can disperse seeds away from the parent plant to areas favourable for their establishments through gut passage. We investigated the plant species dispersed by the serrated tortoise ... -
Seed germination of morama bean (tylosema esculentum (burch) a. schreib) from different collection sites in Botswana
(Botswana University of Agriculture and Natural Resources, 2020-07)Understanding the seed biology and germination ecology of plants is critical for bringing them into cultivation, yet this information is insufficient for Tylosema esculentum despite its potential as a future crop. T. ... -
Self-Efficacy development in a one-to-one Mentoring Strategy For Faculty Integrating Technology in aagricultural education
(Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE), 2006-03-19)This paper describes the experiences of a graduate student and a faculty member in a one-to-one mentoring strategy to integrate technology instructions in agricultural education. In this paper the experiences of a graduate ... -
Semen characteristics of purebred naked neck tswana and black australorp x naked neck tswana crossbred chickens under an intensive management system in Botswana
(American Journal of Research Communication, 2016)Evaluation of semen quality is very important before selection of breeding cocks used for artificial insemination. The aim of this study was to characterize the semen parameters of Black Australorp x naked neck Tswana ... -
Seroprevalence of Selected Tick Borne Pathogens and Diversity and Abundance of Ixodid Ticks (Acari: Ixodidae) at the Wildlife-Livestock Interface in Northern Botswana
(Frontiers Media, 2020-05-05)Ticks and tick borne diseases (TBDs) undermine livestock production with considerable economic losses to livestock producers in endemic areas worldwide. Despite the impact of ticks and TBDs in livestock production, there ... -
Significance of antiviral therapy and CTL-mediated immune response in containing hepatitis B and C virus infection.
(Elsevier B. V., 2021-01-12)Viral infections remain a major cause of deaths globally. Here, we focus on Hepatitis B and C viruses (HBV and HCV) infection dynamics in the liver and blood cells, taking into account non-cytotoxic and cytotoxic mediated ... -
Single nucleotide polymorphisms in ghrelin gene and the resulting genetic variants at ghrelin locus in different strains of indigenous Tswana chickens
(Academic Journals, 2012-05-12)Ghrelin is a growth hormone releasing peptide which also affects feed intake in chickens. Ghrelin is encoded by chicken ghrelin gene (cGHRL) found in chromosome 7. Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) have been reported ... -
Single phase Bunsenite NiO nanoparticles green synthesis by Agathosma betulina natural extract
(Elservier, 2016-02-05)This contribution reports on the synthesis and the main physical properties of p-type NiO nanoparticles synthesized for the first time by a completely green process using Agathosma betulina plant extract as an effective ... -
Smallholder agriculture in African dryland agroecosystems has limited impact on trophic group composition, but affects arthropod provision of ecosystem services.
(Elsevier B.V., 2024-04-01)Agricultural intensification is a major driver of biodiversity loss, but the majority of studies highlighting these threats come from industrialised agriculture in temperate countries of the global North. However, more ... -
Socio-demographic Characteristics of Smallholder Farmers That Influence Their Competence in Rice Post-Harvest Value Addition, Southern Region of Sierra Leone.
(Horizon Research Publishing, 2023-08)This study on the influence of the socio-demographic characteristics of smallholder farmers on their competencies in rice post-harvest value addition was done in the Southern region of Sierra Leone. The study aimed at ... -
Socio-economic factors influencing household forest dependency in Chobe enclave, Botswana.
(Springer Open, 2017)Introduction: Human dependence on forests is a multifaceted phenomenon. The degree of reliance on forests varies geographically, overtime and across communities. These dynamics underpin the importance of understanding the ... -
Soil-plant-animal continuum in relation to macro and micro mineral status of Tswana sheep at Goodhope and Morale ranches in Botswana
(Botswana University of Agriculture & Natural Resources, 2014-09)This study reports the concentration of macro and micro minerals in soil, forage, water and blood of Tswana sheep at Morale and Goodhope ranches. The main aim of the study was to evaluate mineral status of soil, forage, ... -
Some potential sources for transmission of Campylobacter jejuni to broiler chickens
(Wiley, 2004-05-20)Aims: The aim of the study was to determine Campylobacter jejuni contamination and prevalence on fomites moving between broiler farms and the processing plant in the period after cleaning and before departure to harvest ... -
Some potential sources for transmission of Campylobacterjejuni to broiler chickens
(Wiley, 2004-05-20)S.S. R AMA B U, N.S. B OXA L L, P. MA DIE A N D S. G. FE NWI CK. 2004. Aims: The aim of the study was to determine Campylobacter jejuni contamination and prevalence on fomites moving between broiler farms and the processing ... -
Sorghum yield and associated satellite-derived meteorological parameters in semi-arid Botswana
(African Crop Science Journal, 2015-03-15)Africa has sparse meteorological stations, hence it is increasingly common to use satellite-derived meteorological parameters, where in-situ measuremnts are not available. The objective of this study was to determine if ... -
Spatial and temporal variation of soil properties and soil organic carbon in semi-arid areas of Sub-Sahara Africa
(Elservier, 2024-03)Land cover land use (LCLU) patterns play a crucial role in shaping the biosphere and global climate. This influence is especially pronounced in arid and semi-arid regions, where environmental vulnerabilities are heightened. ...